Ways To Keep Your Russian Wife Happy

Dating Russian Women Here are romantic things you can do to keep your Russian wife happy in the relationship.

Married life is not always sunshine and rainbows with a Russian woman. Once the honeymoon phase is over, it’s going to be a roller coaster of emotions.

You’ll laugh together, cry together, get mad at each other, forgive one another, and repeat. You stay together because you both make the conscious effort to make it work.

Sometimes, to make it work you need to make the other person’s happiness a priority.

That’s when you know you genuinely love her because her happiness makes you happy. So you try and figure out ways to make her smile more and laugh more. However, it might be difficult to think of tricks and romantic gestures when your wife is from a different culture.

Aside from having different languages, you may also have different food preferences, family values, and religious beliefs. When coming up with ways to make your wife happy, you need to consider these differences.

Russian women, like any other woman in the world, want to feel special. They love being prioritized in a relationship. In this article, we’ll help you figure out ways on how to keep your Russian wife happy.

Here are some ways men make long term relationships into successful marriages with Russian women.

Love Gestures You Can Do For Your Russian Wife

Do you want to know the secret to a long and lasting relationship? The answer is constantly showing and giving love gestures to your significant other. No matter how big or small these actions may be, the bottom line is it will make the receiver feel loved.

Penn State interviewed over four hundred happy couples, they found out that these gestures called “loving actions” are the best way to say “I love you” to your partner. According to the participants, the small acts their partners consistently gave, made them trust them more and have made married life wonderful.

So, what are these gestures you can do to make your wife happy? Below are a few things you can do to show your partner that you love her. Keep the romance alive in your marriage through these romantic acts:

Women from Russia Appreciate Positive Words

Tell her she looks beautiful every day. Tell her that you appreciate her and everything that she has done for you.

Don’t forget to say “please” when you want something and “thank you” afterward. You can praise her cooking or praise the clothes that she wears; recognition is important. Every little compliment counts and it’s not that difficult to do.

But if you feel awkward saying these things directly to her, a simple note or hand-written letter is equally romantic and gets the message across. If you want to be extra, you can use post-it pads and write a love poem for her; you can stick it in her vanity mirror for her to read when she wakes up. Once she sees it, it will definitely warm her heart.

Provide Household Assistance

If you hear her complain about how much she dislikes doing a certain house task, why not offer to do it for her instead? See her face glow up when you tell her you’ve taken out the trash or cleaned out the garage. This romantic act may take up time and energy, but if you see your partner flashing her happy smile then it’s worth it.

Give Meaningful Gifts

The stereotype that women in Russia are materialistic people has some truth to it. But who wouldn’t want to receive occasional gifts from their significant other?

Your gifts never have to be extravagant. Russian women will not expect you to go broke when buying love gifts. So long as the thought is there, “I was thinking about how much I love you, so I brought you this gift as a token of that love.” In other words, it’s the sentiment behind the gift which matters most.

But if money doesn’t matter to you and you just want to see her be happy, expensive gifts are nice too.

Show Your Russian Bride Support

In marriage, you’re supposed to support each other’s dreams, ambitions, passions, and aspirations. Being there for each other and rooting for the other person shows genuine love.

For example, she tells you she wants to enroll in an English class to make her English better and for communication between you to be easier, you can cheer her on and even help her on the sides.

If you want to go over and beyond, you can also sign up for a Russian language class. This will show her how much you care about her. Being able to communicate clearly with one another and getting rid of the language barrier will help build a good marriage.

Slavic Women Expect Undivided Attention

Spending quality time means giving her your undivided attention. Meaning when you’re with her, you need to make sure you are not distracted by something else.

Put down your cell phone, close the book you’re reading, and focus on your wife. When you converse this way, you are creating emotional intimacy.

If you focus, you’ll be surprised about the little things you’ll notice about her. Like the lines on her face when she smiles, the cute little mole on her shoulder, or the way she tucks her hair behind her ear.

Russian Women LOVE Physical Affection

It is believed that in Russian culture, it’s not ideal to be too demonstrative - that women in this country are not particularly keen on affection. However, these are mere assumptions and generalizations. If you know your wife especially likes kisses and hugs, then don’t hesitate to give them to her. These hugs and kisses may be intimate or non-intimate, either way, make sure you incorporate them in everyday life with your wife.

A Happy Wife Leads To a Happy Marriage

There’s nothing wrong with trying your best in making your wife the happiest. Even science is here to back you up. As it turns out, the wife’s happiness in a marriage affects the husband’s happiness in the marriage as well.

According to Rutgers University, happiness in a marriage is tied to whether or not the wife in the relationship is happy.

If she’s miserable, then her husband will also be miserable and pretty much the whole marriage is in pits. Hence why it is extremely important to keep your Russian wife happy in the relationship.