
Dating Tips for Pursuing a Divorced Foreign Woman

She’s perfect — everything you want in a woman. She’s foreign, beautiful, and has an admirable set of values. And the chemistry, for the most part, is unreal. There’s only one caveat — she’s divorced and you’re not sure how to deal with that.

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5 Surefire Ways to Break the Ice on Dating Apps

Imagine falling in love with a woman who is everything you’ve ever dreamed of. The caveat? She’s a single mom with kids.

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Dating a Single Mom: Pros and Cons

Imagine falling in love with a woman who is everything you’ve ever dreamed of. The caveat? She’s a single mom with kids.

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Rekindle Romance For Your Partner This National Lover's Day

A lot of relationships lose their spark as time passes. Although some of them bounce back, others struggle to make it as interesting and exciting as they once were.

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What Russian Women Want You to Do during the Day of Lovey

Now that February is fast approaching, have you gotten yourself a date yet? Because a lot of inns, hotels, and restaurants tend to be fully booked within two weeks of the 14th. That means you ought to be quick.

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Celebrating New Year’s the Russian Way

If there’s one thing that most Russians gloat over, it’s that they celebrate Christmas and New Year twice. There's lots of food to go around and plenty of new activities to try out.

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Get Your Festive Mood On and Celebrate Christmas in Russia

Did you know that Russia celebrates Christmas on January 7? This is mainly because the Russians follow the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar.

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NEVER Put THIS On Your Dating Profile

Now that everything is automated, shouldn’t online dating be so much easier?
How about the algorithms everyone is raving about?

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Pre and Post-Soviet Dating Habits in Russia

Women in Russia frequently regard their partners or husbands as the family’s leaders. Traditional Russian culture has clearly defined gender roles, with women preferring to stay at home and care for their families over pursuing professional advancement.

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Understanding Love Languages with Russian Women

“How can a person feel that they are loved?”

Have you ever arranged anything special for someone, such as a surprise party for them, only to have it fall flat?

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Following Up a First Date with Russian Women

Say you’ve just returned from a date with this gorgeous Russian woman. You’re pleased with how things went. You had a good time, and your date appeared to be doing the same. So, what are your options now?

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The Roles of Russian Women Throughout History

The perception of Russian women by males who aren’t from Russia can sometimes be less than realistic. The Cold War may have made many men who seek Russian women for marriage see them as gorgeous supermodels who are also highly skillful spies.

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9 Traditional Dishes to Try While Dating in Russia

The history of Russian food culture can be traced back to a thousand years ago.Russian food is one of a kind, and like some other well known recipes, it was shaped by various natural, social, geological, financial, and authentic elements.

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Building Relationships with Independent Russian Women

On June 12, Russian men and Russian women celebrate Russia day, the day that their country declared itself a foreign nation. Many countries in the world celebrate their own independence days, days on which they celebrate when they were given the right to take control of their destiny from their former colonizers.

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Valentine’s Day Dating Culture Among Russian Women

Just like in any culture, dating is pretty diverse around the world. Couples differ when it comes to how they see and celebrate Valentine’s Day.There are some who prepare for it way ahead of time, and there are some who do just the usual.

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Travel Hacks for Exploring Russia

For many years, Russia has been a popular tourist attraction. Simply thinking about it conjures up memories of ballerinas and enticing architecture adorned with blues, greens, and gold. Russia should be on everyone's travel wish list.

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Understanding Russian Dating Etiquettes BEFORE Traveling

It’s a cultural tradition for a Russian woman to receive flowers on a first date, so don’t come empty-handed.Giving flowers shows you have romantic feelings towards her and want to pursue a relationship. However, there are a few things you need to know about the tradition of flower gifting.

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How to Successfully Flirt with Russian Women

Flirting with Russian women can be intimidating. Most men are left speechless at the sight of them. In your head, you’ll start to ask, “Why are Russian women so beautiful?” as you try to find the right words to say to get their attention.

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Valentine's Day Activities Russian Ladies Like

Valentine's Day is an annual tradition in which couples and soon-to-be couples spend the day together. February 14th is a favorite of Russian ladies who have someone to love.If you're dating a Russian, you should know that you must give her something on this day. Valentine's Day is a common holiday in Russia, despite the fact that it is an international holiday

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How to Charm Russian Women

A lot of men find themselves enamored with Russian women. But many of those men are not anywhere near Russia. This means that they didn’t get a lot of exposure to women from Russia. In fact, not a lot of people outside of Russia really know about their women.

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Ways To Keep Your Russian Wife Happy

Married life is not always sunshine and rainbows with a Russian woman. Once the honeymoon phase is over, it’s going to be a roller coaster of emotions.

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Breaking Down Cultural Differences When Dating Russian Women

Salt and pepper, coffee and cream, nuts and bolts. lock and key -- no matter how different these things are, they always go together.

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Qualities Russian Women Find ATTRACTIVE

Russia—the largest country in the world—is popular for its thousands of picturesque travel destinations, long and rich cultural history, and welcoming Russian citizens. However, this country in Eastern Europe is known as the home of some of the most beautiful women in the world—Russian women

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Never Do This When Dating Russian Women

One of the countries that contributes to that is Russia, with over 10.3 million users, 46.7% of which are Russian women. These ladies are famous because of their uniqueness and almost perfect physical appearances. In fact, some men think that being in a relationship with a Russian lady is like winning the lottery.

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Building Relationships with Russian Women

Women in Russia often see their partners or husbands as the head of the family. Often the Russian culture has established specific gender roles with women usually ending up staying home and taking care of their family in lieu of progressive professional careers.

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Dating Career Women in Russia

Women in Russia often see their partners or husbands as the head of the family. Often the Russian culture has established specific gender roles with women usually ending up staying home and taking care of their family in lieu of progressive professional careers.

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Russian Phrases to Use When Dating Russian Women

With today's internet and technology, finding love is easier and more convenient than ever. With so many dating sites available, people can easily sign up and begin their search for a romantic partner. On a not so surprising note, Russian women remain a subject of interest to thousands of single men around the world.

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How to Be More Attractive to Russian Women

Knowing how to please a Russian woman and making sure you can effectively communicate with her are all part of the dating process. At the end of the day, however, the way you present yourself to these ladies will greatly factor in their decision about considering you as someone they would want to be romantically involved with.

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What Do Russian Women Find Most Attractive?

The reasons that people come with these lists is simple: everyone has their own preferences and naturally they would want to find a partner that meets those preferences. Women are going to know what makes a man physically attractive to them and chances are that the men who do not meet their criteria are getting passed over, and men are more than likely going to do the exact same thing.

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Dating Russian Women: Agencies Vs Cold Approach

There are some good options to find Russian women. But those options have different approaches. Before deciding which is the best method, consider these.

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Simple Traits That Attract Russian Women

There are certain traits that Russian women look for in men, some of which are essential if you wish to have a romantic relationship with them. Despite being part of a culture where innate qualities come to matter more than physical appearances, these ladies make it their goal to avoid going out with men who are only after their looks.

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Dating Rules in Russia : How to Date Russian Women

Should you plan to visit Russia any time soon, you might as well take advantage of our singles vacations for you to have a safe and hassle-free trip while meeting beautiful Russian women for marriage. You will also get to see some of the best tourist spots in the country together with them.

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Red Flags Men Encounter Dating Russian Women

Russian women are real beauties. However, when dating to find your life partner, you just don’t pick anyone. Learn more about the dating red flags.

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Dating a Russian Woman | Important Dates to Remember

Russian women have started receiving flowers at an early age since it plays a great part in their culture and is deeply rooted in every Russian’s soul. They will never get used to it, otherwise, they will lose their sense of appreciation for every flower they receive. It is a special practice embedded in the very core of their being; hence, it never gets old.

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The Best Kinds of Flowers to Give to a Russian Woman

Often times, people think that giving flowers is a no-brainer; but wait until you date Russian women who pay less attention despite you giving her dozens of red roses— yes, roses just don’t compensate everything. This is all because giving roses alone is seen as a low-effort move. You wouldn’t want her to perceive you haven’t thought about things. Surely, you want to express that she’s the apple of your eye; therefore, you have to know what you’re doing!

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Russian Dating Tips | How to Court a Russian Woman

Before we get into the details, it’s important to remember that courting someone takes patience and effort. A Russian woman, just like every woman in the world, will notice every effort you make, no matter how small or big. If you have no idea how to start, we have prepared a list that will help you conquer the heart of a Russian woman. You may not do everything on the list, but eventually, you’ll find yourself doing so when you get deeper into it.

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6 Things You Should Avoid Doing When Traveling to Russia

Russia is a country of power and beauty. It boasts remarkable architecture, long-standing traditions, and beautiful Russian women that are strong-willed and kind-hearted. The largest country in the world by landmass has witnessed an interesting history of Russian historical figures and strong political leaders, in which people have learned to reflect values such as discipline, independence, strength, and intelligence. Thus, when traveling to Russia, it pays to know the things you should avoid doing to increase your chances of making a good impression.

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Dating Russian Women | How to Have a Successful First Date

It’s a known fact that Russian women are stunning and strong-willed individuals. Together with their ideal qualities when it comes to having a happy and fulfilling love life, it comes as no surprise that they continue to be one of the most sought-after women in the world to settle down with. Moreover, dating one doesn’t even have to be difficult. So long as you keep in mind a few tips that will ensure you of a successful first date with her, you’ll be on your way to achieving the type of loving relationship you desire to have someday.

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Dating Russian Women | How to Take Care of Your Relationship

Strong-willed Russian women can be challenging in a good way. There’s a saying that nothing good ever comes easy. But these wonderful and kind-hearted women are worth all your time and effort because they are guaranteed to help you grow as a better person, especially when it comes to love, compassion, and never-ending support. So don’t give up on the thought of being able to have a fulfilling love life with one.

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Russian Women | How to Take Them Out on a Romantic Date

But when it comes to Russian women, they make a good combination of strong and feminine. They’re ambitious yet grounded, strong-willed yet understanding, socially strict yet compassionate. Although they’re fiercely independent, it doesn’t mean they aren’t considerate of the feelings of others. They’re also easy to talk to because they’re smart enough to know that there are things that they have yet to learn in the many aspects of life.

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Dating Russian Women | Why Masculinity is the Way to Their Hearts

With regards to preferences in finding a romantic partner, they say that most women are attracted to the “bad boy” image because this type of individual gives them a sense of never-ending adventure. On the other hand, there are also those who would pick the nice and decent ones any day because it gives them a sense of stability. Russian women, however, strongly prefer masculinity among many other ideal attributes.

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When Dating Russian Women | Reasons to Love Yourself First

There are things to keep in mind when going through the stages of a new relationship, especially when it’s with beautiful Russian women. These resilient ladies of the cold north are into men who are confident, mature, and strong. If you believe you belong to that category, then you’re more likely to have better chances of getting into a relationship with one of these lovely women after one or two dates. But if you’re still not sure about having what it takes to swoon a Russian lady, then the following tips just might help you out.

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Dating Russian Women | How to Know If She's Interested in You

Pursuing Russian women can be intimidating because not only are they beautiful and charming, but they also have a strong personality, and they don’t beat around the bush. They’re straightforward even when it comes to love and relationships. One of the reasons for this is that they simply don’t want to waste their time on someone who isn’t genuine. If they genuinely like you, they’ll tell you about it, or will show certain hints or signs for you to figure out. If you want to be aware of what these hints or signs are, then be sure to watch out for the following.

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Dating Russian Women | How to Have Comfortable Conversations

Russian women are socially conservative. But once you get to know them, they’re among the warmest people you can ever meet in life. One good trait about these women is that they know how to filter out those who are genuinely interested in making conversation. After all, they don’t want to waste time on getting to know people who aren’t even interested in creating a meaningful and lasting relationship.

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Dating Russian Women | Signs She's Okay Breaking up with You

Wanting to be in a relationship with a Russian woman is never surprising. What’s not to love about them? Russian women are naturally attractive, what with their mysterious eyes and seemingly endless legs. They’re also traditional, socially conservative, and very much eager to take the role of being a supportive partner in a relationship despite being exposed to today’s modern culture and way of living.

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Women in Russia | Some Facts About Their Dating Culture

Many of us dream of traveling far and wide because learning the ways of people from different countries around the world is one of the greatest pleasures in life. Upon your visit to the magnificent land of Russia, you will immediately feel excitement rushing through your bones as you notice the vibrant colors in your surroundings come to life. Because, obviously, what’s not to love about a beautiful foreign country that boasts countless exquisite architecture, many of which have a mind-boggling history to tell? But most of all, what’s not to love about women in Russia?

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