Dating Rules in Russia : How to Date Russian Women

A beautiful Russian woman on a cafe If you want to impress Russian women, try to learn more about their dating culture. | Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

Is there a need for men to dress smartly whenever they start dating in Russia? Are there certain rules to follow for you to win the hearts of beautiful Russian women? How do you know if you qualify as a potential partner for them?

Before you consider jumping into a relationship with a Russian woman, it’s best to have a good amount of knowledge about their dating culture.

Not only will this do wonders for you when you begin dating one of the most remarkable ladies in the world, but also, getting into a relationship one won’t be as difficult as you first imagined.

Keep in mind that dating someone from another culture can be complex. Each culture places its own values on which qualities make someone a desirable partner.

For example, what might be considered romantic or polite in the United States might not be well received in Russia.

However, there is no need for you to feel worried or discouraged. While there are no fixed rules for dating in Russia, this write-up will explain some basic dating etiquette to help you understand Russian women more - and ultimately have a successful date with them.

The Russian Dating Scene

Like in other countries, it's very common to meet people through your social network or in public places, such as bars, restaurants, and coffee shops. But if you're far from Russia and want to meet the ladies there, online dating would be your best option.

Make sure to do your research on what the best free online dating sites are to avoid wasting your time.

Should you plan to visit Russia any time soon, you might as well take advantage of our singles vacations for you to have a safe and hassle-free trip while meeting beautiful Russian women for marriage. You will also get to see some of the best tourist spots in the country together with them.

Want to know what the dating scene is like in their country? Well, customs are generally traditional. But here are our tips for you to have a successful date with a Russian woman:

  1. Be a gentleman.
  2. Every girl's dream is to date someone who genuinely cares for them. Russian men are generally chivalrous, but since the population of men in their country is very low, some of the ladies never get the chance to experience this.

    When you start dating a Russian lady, be as gallant and genuine as possible. If you do so, you'll surely win her heart in no time.

  3. Greet her appropriately.
  4. Did you know that when meeting or greeting Slavic women, kissing their hand is considered a chivalrous gesture? It may seem old-fashioned, but if you can pull this off, the rewards will be well worth it.

  5. Dress the part.
  6. In Western culture, you may have been used to wearing casual clothes on a date. But keep in mind that in Russia, it is customary for you to dress sharply whenever you’re out on a date with a Russian woman.

    These ladies expect to see a smartly dressed man, so t-shirts and sneakers are definitely out of the question.

  7. Smell good.
  8. Apart from dressing smartly, you should also smell good. Put on some good cologne and be sure not to overdo it. You don't want your date to suffocate during your date.

    Choose a fresh, light scent and apply it moderately.

  9. Bring flowers.
  10. In Western countries, it's not very often that men give flowers on a first date. But in Russia, this is a must. Be sure to avoid giving flowers in the color yellow as it symbolizes parting. The best option to go for is a single red rose.

    Women in Russia will always appreciate a man who gives them flowers.

  11. Mind your manners.
  12. When dating Russian women, be courteous and respectful to them, as well as the people around you. Russian ladies want a well-mannered man by their side who knows how to behave and will not embarrass them at any social event.

  13. Keep up the conversation.
  14. The man is expected to lead the date. This means he should be the one to initiate topics and keep the ball rolling.

    There are some topics that are considered inappropriate on first dates, though --- like talking about your ex or anything extremely intimate. Learn which topics should be avoided and which ones are ideal to talk about. It also pays to have a good sense of humor while you’re at it.

    You can talk about each other's interests, hobbies, and opinions on certain things. The main thing to do is maintain a positive atmosphere and avoid having conversations that are too personal, unless you both feel comfortable about it.

  15. Pick up the tab.
  16. When dating in Russia, splitting the bill is not encouraged. Russian girls almost always prefer a real gentleman who pays for the date.

    That doesn’t mean that these ladies can’t pay for themselves, though. In fact, they’re very much capable of that. Some of them even insist on paying but never let this happen, especially on your first few dates.

    Instead, tell your date that you can split the bill the next time you go out. This will show her that you’re interested in seeing her again. When that day comes, still don't let her pay the bill. That’s one of the best ways to make a good impression.

  17. Don’t show up late.
  18. If you’re a woman, being a little late can be excused, if not expected. But to you gentlemen, you need to be on time, or even earlier.

    We highly suggest that you be the one to wait for your date, although she will understand if you have an emergency that you need to attend to or if a terrible traffic jam has happened. Just make sure to give a heads-up.

How to Meet Russian Women in Real Life

It’s no wonder that thousands of men from all over the globe continue to seek love and marriage among Russian women. Not only are they one of the most gorgeous women in the world, but they are also highly loyal and considerate towards their partner.

If you’re lucky enough to have a potential love life with a Russian lady, you’re sure to make a formidable team.

The good news is you’re on the right dating website. We’re one of the best matchmaking agencies out there who have been operating for decades.

To start your journey with us, all you need to do is to sign up for free and begin browsing through thousands of profiles of beautiful Russian women.

Don’t skip this opportunity of a lifetime. Start your search for a bride among Russian women today. Sign up now!