Building Relationships with Independent Russian Women

Redhead woman
A Russian woman valuing her time doesn’t mean she doesn’t value you. | Photo by cottonbro on Pexels

On June 12, Russian men and Russian women celebrate Russia day, the day that their country declared itself a foreign nation.

Many countries in the world celebrate their own independence days, days on which they celebrate when they were given the right to take control of their destiny from their former colonizers.

The 4th of July is another of these dates you are likely to be familiar with, as it is when the United States stopped being a British colony and became a sovereign state of its own. Despite that, there’s still a ‘special relationship’ between the two countries that persists to this day and helped get both countries through two World Wars… So the importance of building relationships on such a diplomatic level cannot be stressed enough.

The ‘special relationship’ demonstrates that independence can actually be beneficial to a relationship and not a detriment.

A lot of guys feel intimidated by independence in a woman when it comes to relationships, because they want to feel needed. It gives them a sense of self-worth to feel needed. There are also some guys who think they may not be the only man in a woman’s life if she is independent. A woman who is independent may skew their preconceived notions of gender roles.

The idea that an independent woman isn’t going to even spend time with them makes many guys feel like there’s no point in even building relationships with them.

Women in Russia need to be independent. In Russia, the gender disparity is 54:46 in favor of women. The population of Russia is approximately 147 million people, leaving over ten million women without a viable means to find a male partner.

Even when you factor out women who may not want a male partner, that still leaves millions without any options. Gender roles in Russia socialize a lot of women to seek out a male partner, but the odds aren’t in a lot of women’s favor.

Blonde woman in a field.
Wanting alone time and wanting to be alone are two very different things. | Photo by Anastasiya Vragova on Pexels

Many of them had to learn to be independent and strong women without a man. Of course, needing and wanting are two very different things. You don’t need to eat a delicious steak in order to fill your stomach, but there are times when you want to eat a delicious steak because it hits a spot that a salad can’t even begin to touch.

Despite the fact that there are Russian women who do not need a man, this does not mean they don’t want to be with one. Some of them are just independent enough that they want to be with those men on their own terms. There are a lot of Russian women for marriage out there that also value being their own person.

But independence isn’t a detriment to a relationship and it’s not a hindrance to starting one. Not at all. In fact, in a lot of cases, it can be quite the opposite. Independence can be pretty great for both forming a relationship and maintaining one.

Some people do not know what they want in a partner. While they know they’d like to have a partner, they are unsure who that potential partner should be. It is unclear to them what type of temperament or personality they want in someone they will be with. Some people might not even have a clear picture of what the ideal partner should look like.

A woman who is independent will generally be different. Anyone who knows who and what they are also knows what they want in a life partner, in a mate. Therefore, if you match with someone independent on some online dating site, it means that there is something that she likes about you, as she sees that a relationship with you will not be a waste of her time and effort.

If a girl is independent but still wants to be with you, then this is a good omen for the relationship.

Additionally, you can use the time you have free when your partner is busy doing things that she enjoys. When she’s out doing the things that she enjoys, you can do the things that you enjoy, like watching football or going fishing.

Woman holding a vintage camera | Photo by Jasmin Chew on Pexels

Some guys have a problem with a woman who is independent. Perhaps they will think she’s stepping out on them or something like that. Most of the time, that’s not the case. A lot of women like to do things they know their partners won’t appreciate. It’s not that someone else is in the picture, these women just know that it’s not a picture their partners want in on.

Some guys don’t understand how to build relationships when the person they are building them with doesn’t need them 24/7.


The first thing that you need to do in order to build a relationship with a Russian woman who values her independence is to trust them. When they go about their day by themselves, trust that they are being faithful and loyal to you.

It’s essential to feel secure enough in the relationship that you don’t need to hover around her constantly when dating someone who can do things on their own. They may not need your input, but they might need you.

Moreover, the implication of a lack of trust and constant hovering are likely to put the relationship at risk.

Do Things On Your Own

You don’t have to do everything together just because you are together. If you think about it, you did a lot of things by yourself or with your friends before you met your independent woman.

You go back to doing that, but you’re with someone who truly appreciates your presence as well.

In the event that you find yourself with a woman who is independent, then use the time she spends alone wisely. Do something fun or productive.

Set Aside Time To Be Together

The thing about independent people is that they had to become independent because they had no one else. It was them and then it was nobody else. A lot of them lived lives that made them realize that the only person they could trust was themselves.

This makes it hard for them to communicate with people around them, not just because of a potential language barrier, but also because Russian and English have different linguistic lineages. If a woman from Russia is used to living alone and wants to spend more time with her partner, she might not be able to tell them that.

You should make it a point to schedule some time together with someone who is really independent, since it could be what she wishes, but she might not have the emotional tools to say it.

There’s no need to make love all-consuming. It does not have to override everything else. Although your partner can be number one on your list, they do not have to be the only thing on the list. It doesn’t mean that Russian women are uncaring just because they are independent. They just have other things to do with their time.