Valentine’s Day Dating Culture Among Russian Women

Just like in any culture, dating is pretty diverse around the world.

Couples differ when it comes to how they see and celebrate Valentine’s Day.

There are some who prepare for it way ahead of time, and there are some who do just the usual.

Women, however, anticipate Valentine’s Day more than men.

Russian women are among those who look forward to this special day, especially since they’re some of the most romantic and passionate individuals you’ll ever meet.

A photo of a couple behind a heart-shaped balloon.
Russian women look forward to the celebration of Valentine’s day every year. | Photo by Natalie on Pexels

They expect to receive flowers, chocolates, or a handwritten letter from their dates. Take them out to dinner and it will certainly warm their hearts.

They are unlike most women from other countries who usually put in more effort than men during Valentine’s Day.

Russian ladies are more likely to receive surprises and presents from their special someone. It’s only after receiving such efforts that they start to think about reciprocation.

When you get to date a Russian lady, it’s important to know the basics and understand how Valentine’s Day in Russia is celebrated.

It doesn’t differ much from how it’s celebrated by couples overseas, but you should at least dig deeper into the holiday’s festivities and a bit of backstory about Russia while you’re at it.

Though Russians celebrate Hearts Day just as everyone else does, did you know that it wasn’t always the case in their country?

Surprisingly, Russia was a bit late in recognizing this romantic holiday.

History of Valentine's Day in Russia

Valentine’s Day is a widely celebrated holiday around the world. But would you believe that Russia, a geographically vast country, was once a stranger to this holiday until the early 1990’s?

Russians only started celebrating Valentine’s Day after the country officially separated from the USSR in 1991. Prior to this, the holiday was generally celebrated in Western countries, but it wasn’t immediately accepted by Russian culture.

Although times have changed and the holiday is currently, not to mention highly celebrated in Russia, there are places in the country that continuously ban the celebration of this supposedly special day.

A photo of a red, heart-shaped object.
Valentine’s day isn’t fully accepted in Russian culture even until now. | Photo by Pixabay on Pexels

The city of Belgorod is known for prohibiting Valentine’s Day celebrations.

Exchanging gifts and chocolates, having heart-shaped decorations, or taking part in any Valentine’s Day related festivities are barred in this city.

This is because of the Russian Orthodox Church firmly opposing the celebration.

In fact, they once described it as “a day of fornication” and “a day of bestiality.”

They simply see the celebration as a negligence of the traditional Russian dating rules and values.

However, surveys state that ever since the recognition of the holiday in the early 1990’s, more and more Russians look forward to celebrating Valentine’s Day. As a result, the country’s Valentine’s Day celebration no longer differs from the celebration of the rest of the world.

Aside from the celebration of love, women in Russia are now celebrated and appreciated more during Valentine’s Day than during International Women’s Day, which is on March 8.

Valentine’s Day Celebration in Russia

Valentine’s Day was thought of as a youth holiday before.

Aside from young couples expressing love and affection to each other, students also take part in the celebration by creating Valentine’s cards and participating in Valentine’s Day programs in school.

It’s only recently that Russians of all ages have expressed interest in celebrating the occasion. Men, both young and old, take their better halves on romantic dates, give them flowers and chocolates, or write them love letters.

When dating a Russian woman, take note that giving her flowers is a must during Valentine’s Day.

Among all the usual romantic acts, giving flowers is deemed extremely romantic. If you want to impress her, always choose red roses among others.

Aside from this, you may also opt to write love letters, give chocolates, or take her out on a romantic dinner. You can also make the day more special by spending the night together watching a movie after dining on the food you made just for the two of you.

Basically, Valentine’s Day and dating in Russia are the same as how it’s usually done in the rest of the world.

A photo of a couple overlooking the city.
Dating in Russia is big on romantic gestures. | Photo by Alexander Popov on Unsplash

The only difference is that the efforts of men rarely go unnoticed because Russian ladies also do their best to make their worthy dates feel special, regardless if there’s a holiday or not.

You can consider that one of the many benefits of dating a Russian girl.

Russians are all about reciprocating love rather than plainly receiving it.

The Best Ways to Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a Russian Woman

Undoubtedly, quality time during Valentine’s Day is the best gift you can give to Russian ladies.

Though they’re definitely the type who’d love to receive romantic presents, such as flowers, chocolates, or a cute stuffed toy, nothing beats the joy they feel having you beside them on this special holiday.

Make the day more memorable by planning trips you can both enjoy, such as camping, hiking, or a simple beach vacation.

Also, you can always deviate from the usual February 14 celebration of Hearts Day and make it last for a month instead. Make the whole month of February significant for both of you.

If you’re someone from overseas who got lucky to date a Russian woman, take February as an opportunity for you to bond and strengthen your relationship.

When dating a Russian lady, grab all the opportunities you can to make her feel special and loved. It’s not every time that a man gets lucky and receives love from someone so beautiful and passionate.

You don’t always have to spend a hefty amount of money on luxury presents because simple acts of service are more than enough for these ladies. Simply appreciate your girl for being herself and expect her to fall in love with you over and over again.

Appreciating your loved ones shouldn’t only be done annually or when a special occasion is around. Valentine’s Day or not, these lovely women deserve to be loved and cherished.

It should be a norm not only with dating Russian women, but other women as well.