9 Traditional Dishes to Try While Dating in Russia

The history of Russian food culture can be traced back to a thousand years ago.

Russian food is one of a kind, and like some other well known recipes, it was shaped by various natural, social, geological, financial, and authentic elements. The fundamental element of Russian food is viewed as a bounty and assortment of items utilized for cooking.

These dishes are reflections of the vast geographical area of the country. More likely, the wealth of its forests, valleys, and rivers contributes to the country’s food production. Additionally, Russia is diverse in its religious beliefs, traditions, and ways of life.

Over the years, Russian cuisine has evolved and developed new dishes with religious influences and meanings from other countries.

There are various dishes made of all kinds of mixtures, like pies, cakes, moves, blini, and so forth, as well as unleavened batter, including dumplings and custom made noodles.

Being a nation of Orthodox Christian religion that infers various diets, Russian cooking offers an incredible number of vegan dishes that include mushrooms, pickles, and so on.

The Russian culinary range is additionally wealthy in meat, poultry, and fish dishes, which are served at different events. That being said, traditional dishes in Russia are considered a must-try around the world.

If you are very much interested in trying some of the best traditional dishes in the country, dating in Russia is one great opportunity for foreign men like you to be satisfied with these world-acclaimed dishes — all while being with your potential life partner.

1. Blini

Traditional Russian cuisine was viciously affected by strict practices. For example, the style of heating hotcakes has been shielded from the days of paganism. Local people used to set up this food round.

Russian hotcakes are small and not sweet like French crêpes, yet you are urged to add any filling to your decision. The conventional ones accompany sharp cream and salmon, caviar or mushrooms, and for those of you with a sweet tooth, condensed milk or berries.

There is even a remarkable event, Maslenitsa, which happens every year, a little while before the start of spring, when for the whole week, Russians eat hotcakes.

2. Rye Bread

Rye bread, often known as black bread, is the heart of the Russian diet. This type of bread is commonly served to peasants, landowners, and families in rural areas. In other words, people coming from the elite class prefer the taste of wheat bread more.

In Russia, it is more common to find black (rye) bread than white (wheat) bread because rye grows better in the Russian climate.

This black bread has been associated with numerous health benefits, including weight loss, reduced inflammation, better blood sugar control, and improved cardio and digestive health.

A photo of different breads
Russian rye bread is best partnered with traditional black tea for breakfast. | Photo by Victoria Shes on Unsplash

3. Beef Stroganoff

The acclaimed classic beef stroganoff recipe has a captivating story. Under Tsars, the Russian privileged were super affluent. They were especially partial to Paris, regularly keeping condos and conveying in French at home and get-togethers.

Back in 1891, a French culinary specialist who worked for a well-off St. Petersburg family made the dish a cooking challenge. He arranged sautéed bits of meat served in a heavenly sauce with smetana (harsh cream).

Beef Stroganoff, extravagant yet simple to plan, turned into a staple dish with innumerable leaders, and a feature entrée in upscale diners.

4. Shashlik

Shashlik is a Russian interpretation of a kebab, and like any kebab, it comprises cubed meat and veggies barbecued on sticks.

This dish comes from the Caucasian Mountain tribesmen and became mainstream after the success of the Caucasus in the nineteenth century. These days, practically every family has its own mysterious formula for shashlik that is watched intently.

The way to progress, in any case, lies in the marinade.

5. Pelmeni

It is difficult to envision current Russian cooking without a particularly conventional dish such as pelmeni or dumplings.

Numerous individuals banter about the roots of this dish as various nations all throughout the planet have their own transformations of it. These are Uzbek manti, Georgian khinkali, Jewish kreplach, and Chinese xiaolongbao.

Many accept that the formula came into Russia from China by means of Siberia and Ural, harking back to the fifteenth century.

For numerous families, it’s a family custom to shape dumplings together. The filling of customary Russian dumplings is a combination of three sorts of minced meat – beef, sheep, and pork. They are then served in a huge bowl with harsh crème.

A photo of dumplings in a bowl
Traditional Russian dumplings are a mixture of three types of minced meat – beef, lamb, and pork. | Photo by Victoria Shes on Unsplash

6. Kasha

Kasha is a staple in every Russian breakfast.

This breakfast meal has a great history to tell that is significant to the life events of Russian people. There were several traditions and rituals in which porridge was prepared and served.

During childbirth, the family of the child will cook kasha with the meat of a rooster if the newborn baby is a boy. On the other hand, kasha is served with the meat of a hen if it’s a baby girl.

When a couple decides to get married, they would cook porridge to get prosperity and plenty for the future family.

Kasha can be made sweet or savory. Savory Kashas have mushrooms, onions, and meat as major ingredients, while sweet Kashas have berries, honey, jams, raisins, nuts, butter, and milk.

In other words, Kashas cannot only be eaten during breakfast, but can be eaten throughout the day, too.


There is major speculation about the place of origin of the dish. Many believe that Borscht originated in Ukraine. Regardless of the origin, this fermented dish is significant in Russian cuisine.

This soup can be consumed hot or cold. The texture of the soup varies on how it is cooked. Some Borschts are clear and light, but others can be thick and substantial.

There are several ways on how this dish is prepared and served. Some recipes counterbalance the sweetness of the beets by adding kvass or kvas. This kvass refers to a sour, slightly alcoholic beer made out of bread or a concoction of fermented beets.

For others, vinegar, lemon juice, or citric acid can be added to achieve a similar taste.


Soups are among the most mainstream lunch feasts in the country, and they are another of Russia’s top picks. Okroshka is a cold soup that started in the Volga district.

It’s a blend of crude vegetables, bubbled potatoes, eggs, and cooked meat, like beef, veal, wieners, or ham with kvass, which is a non-cocktail produced using matured dark or rye bread.

At present, there are other types of cold soup that people can enjoy all around the globe; for example, Mul Naengmyeon in Korea, Rye Bread Soup with Homemade Rhubarb Raisins in Iceland, Chilled Cherry Soup in Hungary, and Coco-Mango Soup in Guyana.


Pirozhki originated in Russia where vegetables and fruits alongside ducks, geese, and rabbit meats were processed as fillings in the buns. Now, because of the current climatic condition of the country, these fillings are uncommon.

Recently, this Russian-native baked bun is typically filled with different kinds of ingredients. It is delectable to the palates of both locals and tourists. It can have a sweet or savory taste due to the fillings ranging from cottage cheese and mixed vegetables.

Savory Pirozhki is stuffed with mashed potatoes, mushrooms, onions, cabbage, and eggs.

Sweet Pirozhki is filled with jam and stewed or fresh fruits like apples, cherries, apricots, lemons, etc.

Be Happy with a Full Tummy

One thing that people have in common is their fascination with trying new food – dishes that would surely satisfy their palate, and Russia is one of the best places to go.

The rich history and vibrant culture of the country are reflected in its traditional meals, and these make the experience worth cherishing.

If you wish to savor these palatable dishes that Russia has to offer, book a flight and never miss the chance to satisfy those cravings.